AddAsk Method

Adds an ASK field to a mail merge main document. Returns a MailMergeField object. When updated, an ASK field displays a dialog box that prompts you for text to assign to the specified bookmark.

expression.AddAsk(Range, Name, Prompt, DefaultAskText, AskOnce)

expression    Required. An expression that returns a MailMergeFields object.

Range    Required Range object. The location for the ASK field.

Name    Required String. The bookmark name that the response or default text is assigned to. Use a REF field with the bookmark name to display the result in a document.

Prompt    Optional Variant. The text that's displayed in the dialog box.

DefaultAskText    Optional Variant. The default response, which appears in the text box when the dialog box is displayed. Corresponds to the \d switch for an ASK field.

AskOnce    Optional Variant. True to display the dialog box only once instead of each time a new data record is merged. Corresponds to the \o switch for an ASK field.


This example adds an ASK field at the end of the active mail merge main document.

Dim rngTemp As Range

Set rngTemp = ActiveDocument.Content

rngTemp.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.Fields.AddAsk _
    Range:=rngTemp, _
    Prompt:="Type your company name", _
    Name:="company", AskOnce:=True

This example adds an ASK field after the last mail merge field in Main.doc.

Dim colMailMergeFields As Object
Dim rngTemp As Range

Set colMailMergeFields = _



Set rngTemp = Selection.Range

rngTemp.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
colMailMergeFields.AddAsk Range:=rngTemp, Name:="name", _
    Prompt:="What is your name"